Success is known by so many ways, financial, fame, friends and family.  All are  great milestones, find your passion, what stirs your heart, what moves you and those you love and admire.  To succeed at anything you feel is important, takes more than skill and desire.  As Frank Lloyd Wright stated it, dedicate yourself and be ready to work, HARD.  Have a vision as to see what you want to see happen.



Educate yourself,

Ask yourself questions,

Be ready to answer your questions, the hard ones, take   time for solitude, listen/ be willing to change gears if need be.  But, drive your self hard, success that comes to easy, often leaves to easy.

Live will, give back  and do what you love.

I know the price of success: dedication, hard work, and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen. ”

Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1909);
