Mara Mayberry (1)
2664 Copper Cliff Trail Woodbury, MN
2664 Copper Cliff Trail Woodbury, MN
I am in the beginning stages of a new post or blog of the discovering good within this community, state and our nation and world. This is going to have stories of sacrifice, survival and quotes and stories of success! As well as a few fun videos, pictures that bring a smile, and true examples of art. With [...]
Thanks to the Martin Family we had a blast photographing you yesterday! In SUB Freezing temperatures I might add. Can't wait for you to see the rest!
The joy that we have in photographing babies, those wonderful little creatures that enter our lives, is one of the great gifts we receive as photographers. Thank you Ingrid for being such a joy to play with yesterday! The emotions that are shared with a session of new parents bring back so many memories from [...]
Loves social energy! Elegant, intelligent and adventurous. The life of the party! Our Women's Portrait Line, "Beautiful," has been well-received. Sessions like these force us to stretch our creative boundaries. We spend a great deal of time talking with the women about what they find unique and beautiful within themselves and how they'd like to [...]
Laurie Seer of the beauty in life, shy one moment, and radiant the next, ability to see potential and has the strength to run with it.
Success is known by so many ways, financial, fame, friends and family. All are great milestones, find your passion, what stirs your heart, what moves you and those you love and admire. To succeed at anything you feel is important, takes more than skill and desire. As Frank Lloyd Wright stated it, dedicate yourself and [...]
I look forward to photographing tulips every year. I believe the Tulip Festival in Pella, Ia. was my first photo assignment that I ever gave myself with my very first 35mm "film camera". Each year I try to present their beauty in a different way.
One challenge I see in this time of life is that there are very few women, who see the beauty that those around them see daily. When looking in the mirror each morning, with tired eyes and the stress that is carried from the day before. Through our women's photography their beauty is revealed. The [...]
Laurie Reflective Heart Artistic Soul, empathetic, loving,